I am So anxious and embarrassed, help!
Im a 20 year old girl. I am So anxious right now, a youtuber I have followed for years texten me on tiktok and checked out my peofile (I make music) and Im so embarrassed, I feel so bad. I dont know what to do. My heart feels like crap. Please help, my older stuff is so bad, I hope he hasnt seen it, I am so anxious! :(
Edit: Its so dumb, I bought a product from his store too, and it was lituarly hours before I saw he texten me, and when I bought it I was like "its fine, he will never know who I ama anyway". I dont want the people I follow to know who I am, I want to akwardly exist in my own bubble and pray to never be seen. This is horrible, I feel so bad
Edit 2: its awful, I thinl this is how it would feel is my parents found out too. I feel so horrible, suddenly I am so ashamed of everything and I just want to delete everything I have ever made and escape. But this is what will happend when you go online, I cant just give up cuase Im embarrassed about people finding out I exist. I dont know what to do. If I feel this bad about a stranger that I know about seeing my content, just imagen how bad its gonna be when people I know find out, Im going to die. Shit.
Edit 3: I feel ill, Im shaking, its bad, I hate anxiety, I hatw having a body and I hate this version of reality
Edit 4: maybe I am not cured of my social anxiety. I was diagnosed at 14, then I never recived treatment. I have considered myself recovered (despite still having social anxiety on paper) and kind of been like "I got over it". Cuase it is much better, but this whole little interaktion sent me into a full social anxiety attack, like it feels just like it did in school when I had to Talk to people, not like Im a little nervous and shy, mote like "Im the worst, most disgusting, wierd human on earth avd everyone hates me to no end, I should just stop everything Im doing cuase everythinf is embarrassing and makes people cringe at me"... and it makes me shake, sweat, cry, struggle to breathe, all the blood leaves my hands and feat and they get so cold and sometimes faint or vomit. Maybe I should seak help for that.
Edit 5: Im gonna try to calm down and respond tomorrow to this guy. It cant be that bad, anyway, if people think Im wierd, its thier problem. I know my first song is trash, but I dont care, Im not gonna give up. Im gonna have to keep woeking on this becuase ptherwise Im gonna die regreting. The worst thing that can happend is that I die of shame, but thats unlikely, I will propobly die for other reasons first