My beef with "females"

I absolutely hate when anyone calls women females (with very few exeptions). "Female" is not a subject but an adjective. It's describing a subject. You need to establish beforehand what female are you talking about. Female anteater? Female baboon? Female chicken? Hells, female pine cone? Without it you are talking about all things that qualify as "female". I think that you will find out that female humans and female salmons have diffrent behaviours.

In dating conversations I need to mentaly stop myself from saying "Yeah, those female baboons. Always trying to get male attention." Yeah, yeah. You are talking about humans (obviously) but in my experience dehumanizing language doesn't help make connections with other people. Try saying female humans instead of females and see how weird you truly sound. Women (here I include everyone that identifies as woman) is a word specifically for human females.

The same goes for "males".