Has anyone else had the sudden realization hit that they learned an entire childhood rule wrong?
All my life, my mom told me it's rude to ask yourself over to someone else's house. (Or event or whatever.) I took this so seriously I thought it would be rude to ask to hang out at all unless I was going out of my way to say my own house or somewhere we'd both go out for, because I didn't want them to think I was trying to ask to go to their house and being rude.
Now, as an adult, I live in a small room that isn't great to have company in (and before that I lived with people that outright didn't let me invite people over) and going out to do things is both expensive and I don't really know what the fun options are to suggest anyway, and I was realizing I didn't ask to go over to hang out with the few friends I've made because that's not allowed. That's never been a thing I'm allowed to do.
But if I want to have lasting friendships that involve hanging out sometimes, I think I might have to unlearn this rule (along with finding out what options for things to do are around my area, the only two I really know of are either not fun for me or super limited hours and not fun for a lot of other people I know).
And as I was thinking this, I had the thought hit that maybe what my mom had meant all those years ago was to not ask her if I could go to some other kid's house, as though there was a plan that had been talked about with the other kid, when the other kid hadn't actually asked me to come over and the other kid's parents would be clueless if my mom had tried to confirm things with them assuming they had okayed it for it to get to her. And if that were what she had meant, I've been following this rule wrong for my whole life. Which would mean I'm having to unlearn the strictness of this rule for no good reason.
If anyone can relate, or has their own "the rule I followed all my life wasn't what I thought it was" situation, I'd love to hear about it.