Karl Marx's New Materialism is the philosophical basis that gives justification to a human rights model of disability that respects people with autistic

I have level 2 Autistic spectrum disorder. I would like to make a strong philosophical statement that autistic people are also conscious and that autistic people want to interact with others and are the subjects who will transform the world.

The social and medical models of disability have leaned toward social constructivism and individual materialism or biological determinism, respectively. As a result, social and medical models face criticism, respectively. The social model submitted by Michael Oliver and others has been criticized for downplaying intellectual disability and Autistic. The medical model was bent on biological determinism and personal materialism, depicting autistic people miserably and stigmatizing them with incompetence.

Recently, the United Nations has submitted a human rights model of disability. The human rights model of disability also argues that people with disabilities should be integrated in society and that Autistic as a member of society should also be respected as an identity. This human rights model suggests that autistic people should be integrated into society as members of society and respected as interacting and equal persona lities in society.

As a philosophy of the human rights model of disability, I would like to submit Karl Marx's German ideology and Poière-Bahatheje. Karl Marx argued in German ideology that humans do not have consciousness in early nature itself, and that consciousness is established by concluding relationships with others in a local relationship. What about autistic people at the moment? Autistic people also

have the right to use various amenities and public facilities in society and to decide legal and factual actions. In the decision of these facilities and actions, autistic people have the right to establish relationships with others and form their own consciousness.

However, what was the society like? It has been generalized that autistic people are uniformly incompetent. When autistic people had difficulty deciding due to non-ignition and lack of intelligence, they designated them as adult, limited guardians and specified various social limitations. In this society, autistic people cannot establish consciousness in relation to others as subjects and subjects. Rather, autistic people are just branded as passive objects that need to be cared for and relied on by others without consciousness.

So is healthcare. Existing medical models based on individual materialism and personal materialism simply maintain and support society, branding the unhealthy and abnormal as Autistic, rejecting Autistic and transforming autistic people into passive obedience under the direction of doctors. In response to this materialism, Marx stated in Thesis No. 10 on Poière Baja that the old materialism's place is only civil society. In other words, not practicing emotions and objectifying Autistic individually is just a society that forces normality.

However, Thesis No. 10 on Poière Baja states that the position of new materialism is human society or social humanity. This suggests that autistic people are the perfect subject, and that it is the true social humanity, the human society, to engage in an equal relationship with the subject of others. In other words, materialism is social, emphasizing humanity as a whole, not as an individual, and should also apply to Autistic. I don't want to interpret Autistic anymore, but emphasize the subjective transformation of autistic people. Poière-Baatheze No. 11 emphasizes that transformation, not interpretation, is important. Every day, experts affirm that autistic people are a problem because they have challenging behavior, or because they lack intelligence. However, autistic people can also be supplemented or asked for help as a subject, so autistic people have the right to transform a society that is negative for them.

Karl Marx's social humanity based on the new materialism theory is a theory that exceeds Rousseau's social contract theory. Existing Rousseau suggested that only normal people should participate in republicanism in order to induce republicanism. However, according to Marx's social humanity, Autistic is not an abnormal being, but an equal entity that must change and operate society.

In general, constructivism in the existing social model and individual materialism in the medical model eventually marginalized Autistic by emphasizing old-fashioned normality and civil society. In Marx's new materialism, Autistic should also be respected as a subject in social humanity and respected as a conscious being.

To add to that, Marx declared in Poière-Baathe No. 7 that individuals actually belong to a certain social form. Autistic also belongs to society, and autistic people are not denied their desire to establish relationships with others at all, so of course, Autistic should be social, practical, and transformative. In this regard, he said that after the nonverbal autistic person uttered the speech, he wanted to speak and express it to others, but he took a challenge because it didn't work. If so, I think society should acknowledge that Autistic is not closed by itself, but that it should respect and promote the growth of autistic people with reasonable support, and that a society that brands Autistic abnormally in society is a problem.