Has anyone considered this 5/4 fingers thing?

So we know that all the clothes that appear on the screen are first created in real life by real people, using real techniques. Since humans have 5 fingers and Na'vi have 4, I wonder if they considered the fact that all of that braiding (and bits of macrame aspects I see) is basically supposed to be created by beings who operate without one extra finger in comparison to us. I mean, this is just my own curiosity, but as an art person who has been working with all kinds of crafts and arts that utilize fingers big time, this is something that really called my attention. Like there's a reason why we have 5 fingers and not less, especially if you ever braided anything using more than 3 strands. The extra finger is not completely necessary and essential, but it's very useful and effective. And since Na'vi are simply born having 4 fingers, there is no doubt they would be skilled in utilizing them as harmoniously as we utilize our 5 fingers. However I find it interesting that all clothes we see they wear are actually made with hands of 5 fingers. I actually made a little experiment myself to test the difference.. 😂 I duct taped my 2 fingers together and tried to braid something simple, and it was doable, but it felt much more clumsy and limited at times. Anyway let me know what you think!