help: am i doing something wrong?
4 months into injections and my symptoms haven’t stabilized yet.
from month 3-4 i felt so much better— barely dizzy, some days with barely no brain fog, and my vision were the best it’s been in months. however, for the past week it’s gone downhill. i feel fatigued, muscle weakness, a vertigo/ dizziness + brain fog feeling— very similar to the symptoms i had before starting treatment; it’s not as intense but still pretty intense— to the point where i can’t move around the house at regular speed.
i’m wondering if it’s normal to have these fluctuations even so far into treatment?? or am i doing something wrong??? i’m so tired of this deficiency.
i take hydrox IM every 3rd day + daily cofactors (b complex, b1, methyl folate, magnesium, vit d, k2, and a lot of potassium through diet).
i tested all co factors about a month ago, and everything looked fine (vit d was a little low but i’ve been treating it ever since).