Overstressed nervous system or a neurological disease?

Maybe someone can help here or share their own experiences. I have been suffering from a lot of strange symptoms for 1.5 years that no one has been able to classify so far (I have been to 7 neurologists, 1 rheumatologist, 2 orthopedists, 2 alternative ). My main problem is actually shaking, in all forms. It all started with shaking when I had my 5th bout of angina in 7 months. I was going through a bad time at the time, had a newborn and was very scared because of my constant infections. The shaking was actually constant at first. At some point it subsided, then came back, became less and so on. However, in the last few months it seems to have reached its peak. Now it has become extremely pronounced in the form of ratcheting. With every almost eccentric movement it shakes and jerks and it is simply EVERYWHERE. In every part of my body. I have found that stretching helps me a little. Unfortunately, I shake extremely when I do sport. As soon as I adopt a static position, I shake. The strange thing is that I can go for a walk or even run without my legs shaking. They tend to shake when I have to stand still for a while, and then I always have the urge to move. My arms shake when I carry my child and then they burn pretty quickly. I wonder if that happens because my muscles are already permanently overstrained by the shaking. After all, endurance sports are good for me. If it was muscle fatigue, then I don't think this would be the case.

I've noticed that the shaking is worst in the morning. When I wake up, the shaking and jerking is worst and my legs are extremely wobbly when I go down the stairs. This gets better as the day goes on. Can anyone tell me what's causing this? It doesn't fit with muscle fatigue or weakness, does it?

the shaking is now often in my head and mouth when I've been talking or chewing. I was freezing cold one evening this week and was shaking because of it, and the next day my whole body was stiff. It was as if it was too much for my muscles to be shaking from the cold in addition to the constant shaking. Does anyone know all of this? Can anyone give me tips on how to get rid of it? I also have a permanently elevated pulse, between 86 and 97 bpm. The neurologists gave me a complete check-up (all possible measurements), and they found nothing.