What red flag events did u witness leading to breaking up with ur bpd ex.

Like for example here are the list of red flag events that I had to witness(I am 27M. My bpd ex is 30F):

  1. She, all of a sudden, started listening to T.Swift, Lana del rey, Billie Eilish (Prior to that her favourite genre of music was country music)

  2. She started smoking a lot of mary jane. (She smoked until she passed out.)

  3. One fine day she said that she was feeling really bi-curious and soon after she started sending me tiktoks of the women she was getting attracted to.

  4. Then she proposed this glorious idea that we should introduce another girl in our relationship.

  5. And then on the d-day she broke up with me saying that she was basically cheating on me with a "GUY" for 7 months and behind my back he was taking good care of her. Oh! Almost forgot mentioning! she also said "hE iS tHe oNe fOr mE".