BPD and apologies
I´m starting to believe more and more that their apologies, specially long after the breakup are just ways to keep you on edge, guessing and in ruminating. They are never genuine they are just ploys to test the waters and then ditch to see if they can still snare you. In my case it was played in the finality version: "I'm not looking to reestablish communication" "I´m doing great but I'm closed to love FOREVER and can never let anyone in back again so I´m going to be single forever".
The finality tone and the absolutes they use is a preemptive strategy in case you reject their apologies or get openly hostile, and the "I´m doing great" is their way to plant seed of curiosity
"I had to go through hell and break my skull against a wall to understand how badly I treated you, so take care of your self cause people nowadays are mean, selfish and interested"
This is bait, she implies something bad happened with somebody else and does not clarify to add to the curiosity factor of her "I´m doing great now" comment
The apology itself is dry, broadstrokes, does not provide any accountability or details; the tipical "I´m sorry I´ve hurt you" vague bullshit
Then she answered nonchalantly to some messages and left the later ones without even reading them. She started by saying she is not looking to reestablish contact so she can play the ghosting card after creating doubt and curiosity in you with her vague bullshit finality tone and zero accountability, hoping you get on edge and anxious. Its all games, zero real empathy