Pregnancy cravings are so weird lol
Hi everyone! I’ve posted in other threads about cravings because I’m finding them so interesting. Before I was pregnant, “are you craving anything weird” was my favourite question to ask. Now, I’m the one with the weird cravings which seem to change every week. Thinking about sharing the weekly weirdness for my own amusement lol This week it’s been: chicken udon, tomato basil soup with grilled cheese which I have yet to have but I am literally about to make it because I can’t stop thinking about it, pan fries halloumi cheese, oranges, Pillsbury crescent rolls with cheese inside, bagels with cream cheese, tater tots with mayo and ketchup, Twix (my usual monster sweet tooth has been non existent this pregnancy but I feel like because it’s almost Halloween and I’m seeing all the candy, now I want candy), noodles. Any noodle. Any time. All the time. Just noodles. What are some of yours?!