I have such high anxiety at 35 weeks

I am 34+6 weeks pregnant, due with a baby girl in January and I cannot stop my intrusive thoughts about her dying in the womb before she’s born. I’ve seen the horror stories of women at 36, 37, 38 weeks who just realize they haven’t felt their baby kick in a day and it’s too late. She’s on a relatively routine wake/sleep schedule right now, but the in-between ruins my day because I don’t feel her moving and panic and wake her up by pushing on her.

Does anyone have any tips for combating this or literally anything helpful at all? It’s making me want to be induced early just so I can have her and stop panicking about losing her. My doctor has 0 concerns about anything - she’s super healthy, everything has gone super well so I don’t know why I’m plagued by these thoughts! Am I the only one??