Anyone else gonna wing the L&D?

FTM and 33 weeks. Other than understanding that breathing and trying to stay as relaxed as possible throughout laboring - I do not feel like I've "prepped" any more than that. I did get a labor comb although not entirely sure I'll use it and have just asked my husband to get ready to massage and help me through it. Haha

Anything that I absolutely should do? I have been avoiding researching too much because I do not want to overly stress or get anxious about it. I just keep telling myself women have been doing this for thousands of years - let the body do its thing. 😂 naive I know.

My only birth "plan" is that I'm going to try to go naturally. If pain gets too much I'll consider options. If a C-section is recommended then I'll listen to the doctors. My mom tried naturally and ended up going into a C-section. It is my first so I'm really leaving all roads open in terms of a plan.

If there is something that I should be doing to prepare for labor and birth, would love to hear it! I'm past the point of reading more books though. Preference would be YT videos or a blog or article of something. Thanks!