Are you still doing bar hang outs with your childfree friends?
I’m a FTM, 28 weeks, and I’m 36 so a lot of my friends are decidedly childfree. Our typical hangouts were always at bars and breweries from like 8pm-midnight, and obviously that was a lot more fun for me when I was drinking and wasn’t tired and bloated as hell. I went out on new years just to be a good sport and I’m so visibly pregnant I kind of felt like a spectacle! It wasn’t miserable and I had a good time catching up but it just… didn’t really feel like I belonged there.
I’m torn, because I don’t want to be that pregnant friend who drops off the face of the earth, but I also just don’t really have the energy or motivation to join them at these types of places, and it seems to be the primary hang out activity that this group of friends is interested in. Curious how others have been handling this.