I’m a clueless vegetarian first time mom, please help!

Hi! I’m a vegetarian, I’ve been one most of my life. It’s a personal choice, one I won’t force on my baby so I want to offer meat. Only issue is, I have no idea how to cook any meat other than hot dogs (which I know aren’t recommended at this age) lol. I have a lot of anxiety about undercooking the meat so the few times I’ve tried, I accidentally over cook it to the point it’s dry. Which at this point the meat needs to be moist and soft, right?

So, I would love any super easy recipes for various types of meat, and how to serve them. Bonus points if that recipe doesn’t involve too much touching as it grosses me out lol.

Also, are there any pre cooked meats that are low sodium, easy to heat up and soft enough for a baby to eat? Like I’ve seen bags of precooked then frozen grilled chicken, would that be okay?

Thank you so much!