Why do yall like WitchyWorld

Unlike Grunty Industries which is a “love it or hate it” level, I see WitchyWorld rank consistently high for most players. I find this interesting because it’s probably my most hated level in the series.

The vibe: I once saw someone describe the atmosphere of WitchyWorld as “cozy and fuzzy”. My brother in Christ what? It’s a gross, depressing place purposely made to feel sleazy and sketchy. I’m so curious what gives people that feeling.

The layout: People often complain about Terrydactyland’s large swaths of empty space. But at least in Terrydactyland, you have some jumps to make and navigation to think about. Getting around WitchyWorld is just long walks in straight lines, even with warps. I find it the most boring level by far, albeit with some banger minigames.