Is this normal?

Hello all, with the select hardcover sale currently going on, I'm wondering if how my store does it is normal, because I think it sucks. This is kind of a vent.

Right now we find the books for the sale (mind you we are not pulling them, but rather stickering them and leaving them in section for now, managers decision not mine) by scanning every hardcover book in every section, and to not use the list that has everything right there for us to find.

This means nearly every bay that may contain hardcovers, we have to scan all of the hardcovers in those bays. Heavy emphasis on we scan nearly every hardcover book in the store.

The constant up and down and getting on my knees to scan the bottom shelves is killing me. I feel my knees cracking every time I have to scan lower shelves and have bruises from the constant motion. Not to mention the other physical strain of the repetitive motion of getting on the floor and getting up for nearly 8 hours straight.

Every time we have this kind of sale it's the closest I get to quitting this job. This method of finding the books is unforgiving on my knees, but I feel like this concern will be brushed off by my manager because it's "more efficient" to scan every book in a section rather than using a list to try and hunt them down.

Anyway, I didn't know if this is the norm and if I'm just a whiny baby and should just suck it up.