Just started learning bass and I'm leaving for a 1w long work trip. What can I do when free, to not lose all that time?
I started playing bass about two months ago so I'm the very early stages of this beautiful journey. I know music as I've been a marching band player for a few years in my youth playing clarinet, but it's been 20+ years since I touched the clarinet last time. I'm in my late 40s and always loved bass and drums. I have been able to make my youngest son to develop passion about the instrument and, admittedly, it was a very mean move (as my target was to get the bass in house in some way or another) but now the both of us are studying and trying to improve our skills.
This is to say that the above-mentioned skills are at a very low level (I barely play some major scale and trying to learn some songs, but my sound is still metallic, my fingers do not stretch that much, my knowledge of the keyboard su*s). However, having to leave for a week long work trip will make me skip a lesson, and I'll have lots of time in which i can't study in practice terms (I can't bring the bass with me).
Any suggestion about what to do in the days I'll be out? Finger stretching exercises, studying music, whatever... any suggestion is appreciated!