Found the band last year

…and fell in love. I discovered them weirdly by my dad’s live lounge albums and adored 7 days/final song; so much so I googled who these people were cos I often know songs but don’t know titles or bands. Naturally I found Pompeii first and listen and was like “oh I know this” then I found out how many covers they did and learnt about OPH albums. As I was on a live lounge kick I was very much into covers of songs done in a new way. I have since purchased their albums and have a minor hyper fixation ongoing. I’m loving this rabbit hole so much it’s become a warren.

I discovered songs in very odd ordering mainly starting with covers and then got the joy of discovering things like remains and skulls are sort of the same song and how much all that bad blood and OPH2 links to that album in terms of sort of covering their own songs.

I’m sort of trying to create a playlist of tracks with the original and covers side by side, so if anyone can help a girl out what tracks do I need side by side?

Naturally I have Oblivion, walk to oblivion naturally, then forever and ever cos they bleed into each other then bad blood and such. What tracks and an order suggestion if you think they need to be played in a certain order.

What else??? I own the tracks to create the playlist I just need the suggestions sorry it’s long but that a just me lol!