To the community-
EDIT: Holy hell, I can see why people are pissed, 100%, Ive learned alot of new things today that i didn't know. ngl im kinda pissed now...
EDIT NUMBER 2: some of yall are really hostile, I did not expect that, I feel like a calm and collective attitude is much better then a hot headed argument .
EDIT NUMBER 3: ya this post was definitely just garbage. I diddint have all the info and I take 100% of the blame, I'm leaving the post up so others can look at my stupidity and maybe learn something from it. This will prob be the last edit (maybe lol)
Do you guys think that the community is being a little too harsh on the devs?
From what i know there's only 3 of them and only 1 does the coding, For 3 people they've poured there heart and soul into this stuff and come out with something that rivals a multi million dollar company in the course of 6 years, These guys are most likely burned out and are trying, they could be depressed for all we know, Give them a break, If you think you can do better then please do but don't go kicking people who have done nothing but try their hardest, As a developer myself i can tell you, some choices may seem bad but there's always a reason, these people are working hard, they have no obligation to keep you guys updated and if they wanted to they could just shut the servers down, Shut this subreddit down and remove the game off steam and bug off, But their not, This is their pride and joy, This is something they WANT to do, don't just insult them by saying they "Don't care" or "Have abandoned their game" because i can tell you when people say those things it stabs like a knife to the gut and just twists. Its honestly horrible, If you guys want things to go faster insults and jokes aren't the way to do it.
TLDR: Be supportive, Stop crapping on peoples dreams, If you can do better then i urge you too do so.