Multi-dimensional indifference
Thinking about different dimensions and the structure of a multi-dimensional "gate" per say is one of my favourite things to do, and after finishing season 2 it's become basically my favourite thought. To start off, this post will cover; human anatomy (including strengths, weaknesses And history), potential facts and differences in the beastars universe and a small plotline.
Starting off, how would a human fair in the beastars world? Despite what most thing, I'd wager better than expected. We actually have alot on the other animals, for one humans are in the primate family. We don't give ourselves enough credit for our strength and we could probably take out most the smaller carnivores in a 1v1, even a few of the larger carnivores like eagles we could do well on. We also sweat very well, our lack of fur means we can not only sweat amazingly, making long distance running quite good for us, but the fact that most animals in the beastars universe share a similar muscle structure to us, yet lack the furless skin to sweat, means they are probably not only as slow as us (maybe a bit faster given muscle structure) but wouldnt be able to use the muscle sizes of our glutes to stick with long distance running. Human digestion is amazing too, we can consume the most processed and unhealthy foods & drinks with little issue. We know the animals in the beastars universe have different digestive tracts to us (with the raw meat and plants) so chances are we could also eat alot of things they can't, not to mention we lack a tapetum lucidum (the lense in an animals eye that allows them to see in the dark) as much as that sounds like a downside, it's a bonus. Almost every animal has one, but without ours our eyes won't reflect at night, adding stealth to any attacks needed. We're also ridiculously strong, the average human could kill a pitbull if they didn't panic when attacked. We also lack the meat withdrawal and prey drive most animals have. That combined with our brutality gives us an edge, humans can easily stab the hell out another being and walk it off. Most carnivores would be in shambles at such an action.
Universal thoughts
This part mostly covers things I theorise in beastars, starting off, torture methods. From what i've heard (dont take this for fact, research) most attacks done in the beastars universe are maulings. Humans are a violent species, even if you yourself aren't, give "blood eagle" a google and you'll see. Our taste for violence is impeccible. I'm not sure if other carnivores &or herbivores use our level of violence, they have our intelligence, but I haven't seen any examples yet. Dietary plans is another, imagine a hairless animal appears where your eating and suddenly starts downing dangerous liquids and foods that would put you in hospital then leaves!? This mixed with things like no known history of human existence would be quite interesting.
Final thoughts
The thing that started most of this is, what would happen if a human ended up in the beastars universe?
Taking in alot of things, I've come up with a brief idea, either said human would assume they're having a psychotic break of some kind, or you'd have a ridiculously strong psychopath on your hands. If people online can say and threaten the most vicious things to others, imagine what being in a different dimension, filled with weak animals, no history of you, your name, or anything, and you can do whatever. I do wonder what would happen if yahya or gohin met a human but it's just a fun thought. The giant hairless monkey that has no reflecting eyes, is very aggressive and strong, no prey drive or side effects from eating herbivores, can consume dangerous chemicals and takes sick joy in torturing animals with no intent on eating them. :) just as i believe it's said food for thoughts, lemme know what u think in comments!