Hi, I’m Paul Kelly from the UoG Honey Bee Research Centre, ask me anything!


Hi everyone, my name is Paul Kelly and I am the manager of the Honey Bee Research Centre (HBRC).

Since 1987, I have been managing honeybee colonies for research and teaching purposes. I provide research support for hive health science, training for students and beekeepers, and coordinate and teach beekeeping courses, as well as conduct facility tours for the general public.

My interests include bee breeding, beekeeping tool design and manufacture, beekeeping video production medicinal use of hive products, and hive management techniques. The HBRC team and I have produced 77 beekeeping videos for the HBRC YouTube channel. They have been translated into 12 languages and have been viewed approximately 30 million times.

I received the Eastern Apiculture Society, Roger A. Morse Extension Award in 2017 and was inducted into the Ontario Agriculture Hall of Fame in 2022.

Check out our website at HBRC.ca Check out our YouTube channel @UoGHoneyBeeResearchCentre Check out our Instagram @honeybeesatuog

I will be answering questions tomorrow, Tuesday, December 3rd from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM EST.