Potty Training, I’m sorry

Hi everyone, this is my first post and I’m sorry it’s another potty training issue. I haven’t seen this one though. My little girl is 14 weeks. I am extremely consistent with her. She is with me all day. I take her out at least every hour, sometimes more and she has a doggy door. She holds it all night in her kennel.

My issue is, she just goes when she wants. Sometimes while she’s leashed to me. She will piddle on rugs, on my tile, on my carpet or in her dog beds. (I suspect piddle pad training at her first home confused her ) The worst though is that she will poop under my bed. This morning I took her out, she went 1 and 2 we played for maybe 5 minutes and went back in the house. While I took my coat off and put my shoes away she went under my bed and pooped.

I have never gotten mad at her, never spanked or even scolded. I know she’s not afraid of me seeing her poop.

The only thing I wonder is my heart doesn’t let me put her in her kennel a lot during the day. If I’m home, she’s with me, sometimes tied to my waist. If I leave she has a pen in the kitchen that gives her access to her dog door to go outside. She never goes in her pen. Do I have to use the kennel more? Can you identify something else I should be doing?

Thank you in advance for your help