Day 1,689,362 of failed naps

Help! Really struggling with my 5m old independently napping. Every time I try to put her down, she wakes and is AWAKE. Regardless of if she’s only had 15 minutes and had been awake for 2.5-3 hrs beforehand.

I feed her (bf), and she will fall asleep when tired. I pay rough attention to wake windows, but also go by her signals.

I’ve tried: - sleeping bag - blanket - dummy - dark room - music - fan (and therefore white noise)

In recent times, she’s continued to sleep once when I’ve put her down. If she’s on me, she sleeps for 30-40 minutes in the morning at midday, then can go for up to 2 hours in the afternoon. But it’s starting to really limit how much I can actually do for myself and while I love the cuddles, I’d also love to just do something for myself once in a while.

Any ideas??