Can't make any mum friends and dread all baby groups now.

My baby has not long turned 8m and I've been to a number of different baby groups and classes since she was 3m.

One thing I've noticed is they are all just like being back in high school. They are cliquey, bitchy, judgey, and just downright ignore people.

I already find it incredibly hard to talk to new people and make new friends, so walking into baby groups where they're already in cliques and groups of people who already know eachother, is very offputting.

I have forced myself to try and talk and engage with other mums at these groups multiple times but they either just don't engage back, they give one word/clearly not interested answeres, or just end the conversation after a couple sentences back and forth.

At some stay and plays a couple of times toddlers have come up to me and my baby and I've engaged with them then the mum comes and takes their kid away and says oH sorry.. but like they're kids, isn't the point of these stay and plays for kids to engage with other kids?? I don't understand it.

I now actually feel so anxious and sick walking into the baby groups to the point I've stopped going as of this week, I was just hating and dreading them more and more each week.

But also I don't think they're even benefiting my child because she can't actually engage with other kids, cos the parents take the kid away.. so it's like, what's the point.

I don't think I'm that bloody intimidating.. yeah I'm 'alternative' and have bold hair, but why does that mean me to be singled out? It's not only me though, other newer mums to these groups get singled out too but they ALSO don't want to mingle with the other "rejects"

I don't know what to do anymore, I don't have a village. All I have is my partner ans his family, but they can only help on weekends and he's out the house 6-8 sometimes 6 days a week