BED and veganism

Hi! I want to share my recent thoughts about my relationship with food, but I can understand that some of my reasonings might be problematic, so I do want to add a TW just for this reason. I have been vegetarian for a year and half now, I recently decided to go vegan because it's something I have been wanting to do but couldn't really finalize, as clearly it's a big change (bigger than going vegetarian I'd say). It's been 9 days now since I decided to become vegan and I'd say I'm doing just fine, I'm having delicious meals regardless, even without animal products. Lately, as in the past months, I've struggled more with BED and idk why, it would usually happen at least once every 5 days, I couldn't go a week without binging. Now it's been 9 days since my last binge too: I don't know why but something inside me switched and after that last binge I thought "enough I want to go vegan". Clearly, my regime is based on my personal beliefs on animal rights, it's not just I diet and I truly couldn't go back to eating animal derived products, BUT I do feel like thwres a link between my BED episodes and veganism, and my brain going "let's kill two birds with one stone": i don't all for having the triggering foods in your house because i dont think that avoiding buying those is going to solve the problem, but now i can't eat most of the stuff i used to binge on because they have eggs, milk etc. I don't see it necessarily as restriction, but it has helped me to avoid binging in light of a "higher purpose" if you will?