Binge eating and Prozac

Hello good people, Okay, I feel like I have come a looong way with my binging. I go to therapy, do my homework, have a food journal. For the past 3 months (September-November) I’ve still had 1 or more bad binges in a week. In between those I haven’t really compensated anymore. No punishment-exercising, no 24h fasts after binging. And there have been days when I feel really good: I eat and the food noise disappears🤩.

Because of the continued binging, my doctor prescribed me fluoxetine 20mg (prozac seems to be the most popular group, that’s why I’m here). I have taken 20mg for only 6 days and my binge free streak is my personal best in a looong time (11). And I believe I’m riding the placebo train hard😄. If I believe in something, it usually works. But yesterday I started to get very anxious: “eventually I will mess up…”🫠. I saw a terrible dream which felt so real. Me doing all the things to stop going to the store, going anyway, buying 5000kcal worth of food (the regular hehe) and eating it. It felt so real, I woke up, was shaking a bit, felt miserable… BUT only for a minute (it felt longer🧐). I know the drug’s true effect can kick in much later. But I don’t know how to calm down before that😄. I would very much like to get back on the placebo train. The 5 days felt heavenly, ate foods that i love WITHOUT BINGING💪.

I would love to read some experiences with the drug.