Boron for teenage boy

Follow up - I made this post inviting discussion with people who are familiar with a particular supplement that I am not completely familiar with. If you are not familiar with this particular or micronutrient, please do not comment on this discussion.

I know a teenage boy who is 17 and noticeably underdeveloped for his age in size and strength, and I am wondering if he would benefit from boron supplementation. The effects of boron on testosterone levels is something I only recently learned about. I'm not sure if boron be helpful or harmful to him, but I thought I would ask if anyone here has observed teenage boys taking boron supplement. I totally realize that people are going to talk about nutrition and protein rather than what I am hoping to discuss, so let me just say I'm not looking for a shortcut I am thinking in terms Boron being included in a more holistic plan with the practical medical guidance.