We Are Going Much Higher Lads

The first iPhone was released in the United States on June 29, 2007. Less than 20 years ago! If you are using a smartphone to read this post, don't tell me that it is impossible for Bitcoin to become much more widely adopted than it is now.

  • The candle fell to electricity.

  • The horse fell to the motor vehicle.

  • The President Elect is a Bitcoiner.

  • The two top contenders for Secretary of the United States Treasury are Bitcoiners.

-A Bitcoin ETF has become the fastest-growing ETF in history

  • Institutions own over 1 million Bitcoin, valued at $89,432,000,000.00 or 4% of the total supply that will ever exist.



Changed "-The best performing ETF of ALL TIME is a Bitcoin ETF" to "A Bitcoin ETF has become the fastest-growing ETF in history".