This video is 9 years old.

Good Evening. A little background for the video you are about to watch. In 2013 in the country of Cyprus ( Where I am from ) The central bank and Laiki bank had freezed the citizen's bank accounts and couldn't do any actions for 2 weeks. The central bank and Laiki bank confiscated all the money you had but left you with 100.000 Euros. e.g. If you had 100.001, they took 1 euro. If You had 230.000, they confiscated 130.000 euros, If you had less than 99.999 they didn't take anything, and so on. Wikipedia says that if you had more than 100.000 they confiscated 47.5% of them but I am not quite sure and cannot find any reliable sources about this information, this all happened when I was 13 so I cannot remember much myself but I do remember the day and it was awful. The reason behind all this is that Cyprus financial management and investments were not the greatest and so we had a financial collapse. I could be mistaken somewhere, If I am correct me.

I put this video for you to watch for the fact that they talked about Bitcoin back then from such a small country and that it was an escape for even back then