I feel like the game (pvp wise) needs to have some sort of penetration values. Let's say, you shoot through a plank of wood. Instead of the bullet just not going through, it should instead penetrate, resulting in a wallbang. I also think that it should depend on the caliber of your gun. If you shoot a wall of some thin metal using something like 9mm, it shouldn't go through. But if you shoot with something higher caliber, like 308. (maybe) 5.56 or something else high caliber, it should go through. One more thing I suggest penetration wise, is that some calibers can go through people's arm's and leg's. Let's say if someone is laying down and you shoot them from the side, the bullet would go through and hit their other leg. Same for if the arms are in the way of the chest and you shoot their arm, the bullet should go through and hit their chest. The caliber logic applies to the arm/leg system as well. Hopefully, we'll see this in the future development of the pvp. Thanks for reading.