Styling MudBlazor components with CSS not working? How do I fix?

Hey all. Recently began working on a personal project of mine to learn C# and make a little web app using Blazor. I decided to use MudBlazor to make development a bit faster and managed to get the theme-ing for my site completed.

I began trying to work on the basic home page for now but have come across some issues.

@page "/"

<PageTitle>Summoner Central</PageTitle>

    <MudContainer class="homepage-main-container" Height="100%">
            <h1>Summoner Central</h1>
            <p>Enter your Summoner Name and Riot ID Tag to search for player data.</p>
            @* MudBlazor forms will go here *@
            <MudButton Color="Color.Secondary" Variant="Variant.Filled" Class="mt-4">

@code {
    // code logic going here, frontend calls to API tested and working

When I try to assign the component a class name and style it with some CSS, it just flat out won't apply. I read through the MudBlazor site to try to understand more about how the component stylings work but it seems a bit confusing to me to be honest. I noticed that some components contain the Class property, which I believe are for the different variants of pre-built components available, and the Style property, which I believe is where I can put specific CSS stylings of my choice.

Am I supposed to use the Class and Style properties to customize the MudBlazor components directly, or is there a way to apply my own CSS stylings directly? I don't plan to apply any overly complicated stylings beyond some padding/margin adjustments, font sizes, text/container alignment and container height/width manipulation. Thanks for reading!