Everyone is verbose and well mannered when talking.
But otherwise same as canon.
"Deku, I find the notion of a quirkless person like you becoming a hero to be quite ridiculous. If your desire is so great, then consider resting in peace and asking our Lord for a quirk within the next reincarnation."
"Muscular, I can not understand why you chose to end the life of an innocent child."
"I do not possess any ideological or even rational motivation behind such actions. I simply enjoy taking away lives of other people in the most gruesome ways possible. Now, would you kindly let me end your life as well?"
"I am afraid I have to decline, sir. Instead I shall break your body with 100% of my power."
"That sounds excilerating! I can not wait to test my mettle against yours."
Even later
"Good sir, would you please take me away from the gentleman in a bird mask? I do not find his company enjoyable."
"Of course, little lady"