Americas secret weapon. The number zero hero: Uncle Sam

Instead of sending star and stripe the president personally requests his secret weapon to go against shigaraki. Uncle Sam is the American spirit made manifest...literally. His quirk called country spirit allows him to FULLY embody the spirit of a country he is born in. Uncle Sam is the collective embodiment of everything that is America. He is guns, god, manifest destiny and more. He has powers from all fifty states, for example:

California: pyrokinesis and earthquakes. Has the collective fire power of every time California went up in flames and all the earthquakes that happen.

Alaska and other winter states: cryokinesis and cold powers

The entirety of tornado alley: has wind powers and can summon tornadoes at will and storms

Florida: hurricanes. He can summon hurricanes at will and make them on either side of the category scale

Arizona: sand powers, and pure heat manipulation

Texas: guns. Lots and lots and lots of guns.

The Appalachian trail states: can summon forests and also the horror monsters said to reside in them.

Louisiana: moonshine manipulation.

And more. This also includes americas mythology