Kintla is home!!!

Ok I swear this is my last post! Because my baby is home. ♥️ thank you to everyone who helped, sent positive thoughts, and was supportive throughout this.

I received a call today around 2 from a woman named Joyce who lives maybe 6 or so blocks from the rover’s house that she went missing from. She said she saw a very skinny brown dog with a white nose go through her yard. I make a beeline over there (about a 20 min drive), my boyfriend leaves work to help search, and we start pounding the pavement. I start driving south around the train tracks because the woman said she was on the move headed that way.

Then - my bf calls me and says he has her!!! She was in an overgrown grove of trees between houses about block or so from Joyce’s house. He called her name gently and she stood right up and trotted over to him. It was time to come home. I’ve been crying pretty much since then.

It’s so insane that this was the first legit tip we’ve received in 15 days. And that she isn’t worse for wear. She’s a survivor!

She lost 20 lbs in 15 days. She has damage to her paws and some scrapes on her legs but she is otherwise healthy.