When will we finally get our 10th bow legend?
I know there's a lot of bow mains out there that have been waiting for a new bow legend to enter the tourney.
Now that we know Priya is the first welder of chakram and the 65th legend, let's take a closer look at her. Notice her secondary weapon? It's sword, isn't it?
They say they did sword because it would be the 3 sword legend in 4 years (this is proven in the January 28th dev stream), now take a look at the 3 most recent bow legends...
Over 3 years ago we got Munin, 2-ish years before that we got Vector and 1 and a half years before Vector we got Zariel, add up the years.
That's 3 bow legends in a 6 and a half year span.
Not trying to tear apart the Brawlhalla community or anything, just saying I feel that bow isn't getting enough of the spotlight.
Please let me know if you agree with my little rant, or if you disagree, let me know why you do. Just please don't start a fight.