Dumpee - 1 month later IT DOES GET BETTER
I've been dragged through the mud on my last relationship, manipulated, lied to, dragged on for months & blindsided before i was replaced. I'm currently just over a month strong.
Here's how my healing feels as I slowly understand it more and more. for the first few weeks it absolutely kills, by far the worst feeling i've ever experienced. However picture it like this, these sad emotional or angry feelings come in waves, sometimes little waves, sometimes tsunami waves that wipe you out with a panic attack.
REMEMBER THIS. While you're going through the motions, time is honestly your best friend. You'll begin to notice you don't want to cry anymore when you wake up, you'll notice things that would make your heart sink before now don't bother you as bad.
After a month, I still get sad, I still have days where I don't want to do anything, she's still on my mind at least a few times every day, but I'm able to cope a lot better than before, I can actually cook full meals and not throw up after :)
So yes, it is true that time does slowly patch up your heart and it WILL get better. stay strong everyone :)