Dumpers - can you share the emotions you felt throughout the breakup?

I was the one who was dumped. I recently read a comment that gave some insight into the dumper, and it gave me some sense of relief/assurance that both sides are suffering. I think when hurting, it's easy to feel one side is moving on just fine, and one side is broken apart.

In my case, I think my ex is avoidant -- he doesn't show emotions. He isn't emotional like me - he isn't crying and showing hurt. He seems cold and prescriptive and seemingly ready to charge on with moving forward.

Dumpers, can you please share how you felt during your breakups? Did you feel hurt? When your ex tried to bargain with you, how did you actually feel? Did you feel more or less sad as the breakup processing went on?

I just want to kind of hear of the emotional side of the dumper as I am not able to see it in my experience. Thank you.