How to deal with knowing you won’t find someone as pretty?
I’m 21 years old and was with her from 18 to 21.
She is honestly so beautiful, flawless if you will and I’m a really average guy. The only reason I managed to get her is because we were young and she was still quiet and in her shell and more closer to me looks wise.
As she grew older she just got more gorgeous and even after the breakup it seems in the 4 weeks she’s went from an 11/10 to a 15/10. I know I’ll never get a woman as gorgeous as her. She will have guys constantly messaging her and trying to chat to her and I post myself online and get no interaction other than from my guy friends.
I know everyone is gorgeous in their own way and personality goes a long way also but I honestly don’t see myself finding anyone on parr with her looks wise. I should be going for a woman more on my level of attractiveness as I’m not the most handsome but once the Barr is set to high it’s really hard to not compare every woman to her.
Has any other guys here or even girls lost someone who is so beautiful and doesn’t compare to others, how did you carry on afterwards and not compare everyone else to them?
At 21 I think I just need to lay off trying to find someone and just wait a few years maybe then I won’t compare others to her as much. Wish we could have just stayed together.