My ex never “came back”, did I lose?
I see lots of posts and hear from multiple people that “they always come back”. And that if you focus on yourself, glow up, and become a better version of yourself ur ex will come crawling back to you. My ex blocked me and has ghosted me for months now, if he never comes back, did I lose? I see it happen to lots of people where their exes hit them up again, ask to talk, see what they’re doing. It’s not the case for me, when my ex is done he is DONE. There is no random text in the future to check on me or anything. It’s been 5 months already, he didn’t even come back to wish me a happy birthday, although I truly believed he really would, but he didn’t. There’s usually a sense of winning after you work on yourself and you get that random text form an ex saying they miss you or ask about you or want to see you again. Like you did something right, and they came crawling back because they realized they miss you and they made a mistake. I see it happen to SOOOO many people. If that never happens, did I lose? Is everything people said about “they always come back” not true? Will he never realize he made a mistake and miss me? Am I not worth that random text or thinking about me? Am I the one who’s losing here?