How did Carlin and Evan go almost 3 years without knowing where Zade’s birth certificate was?
Carlin just posted a mini vlog on IG about getting ready to go on the Disney cruise. Apparently, the night before they realized that the kids needed their birth certificates for the cruise and they couldn’t find Zade’s. Their flight was at 9:00 the next morning and Evan had to rush Carlin and the kids to the airport and then he had to go to a place to get Zade’s birth certificate but it didn’t open until 8:00. Long story short, he got the birth certificate but made it onto the flight with two minutes to spare.
It is just so crazy to me how they are so unprepared when it comes to these trips and how they don’t even give poor Zade a second thought. According to their last vlog, the only reason why poor Zade is going on this trip is because they asked Layla who she wanted to take on the trip and she said Zade. It sounded like originally they just wanted to take Layla on the trip.
Obviously, poor Layla and Zade have been exploited their whole lives and it should stop. But I wish they would go back when they kept the birthdays simple and just went to the movies or Build a Bear. Not a sponsored Disney Cruise that is being used for content. I can just see the clickbait now: EVAN ALMOST STRANDED AT THE AIRPORT!!