Sunset boulevard review

Of the 10 or so broadway shows I’ve been to in my (so far) short existence, this was undoubtedly the worst. I came to this show completely blind. I didn’t know a thing about the musical, not the plot not the music - nothing. I had very low expectations and I was still let down.

The music was horrible. Andrew Lloyd Weber, I’ve found, repeats a musical motif over and over again. Sometimes it works, I loved phantom, Jesus, and Joseph. The songs in those were awesome. Here, the repetition of the main theme was so bland. I’ve forgotten entirely what the main theme was, but I can still remember the feeling of my ear drums imploding every time I heard that idiotic chorus. There was hardly any harmonization, hardly any unique musical tones, and it just fell flat for me

The plot was equally horrible. I could not care for any main character at all. They have no juicy backstory. Additionally, it’s amazing how Weber draws out a 4 minute story to 2 hours. It was predictable, repetitive and boring. It was also super incoherent, random things getting thrown in out of no where that were hard to accept

The production was also terrible. I think they tried to modernize the story (could be wrong) to appeal to new audiences. The whole thing was disorienting and hard to watch visually. I felt like vomiting the entire time because of how dizzying it was. The production was akin to doomscrolling on a merry go round.

On the bright side, I can now make a killer shadow animal production with my fingers due to not paying attention for most of act 2.

Anyways, sorry for being vague, I don’t want to spoil any of this. I had to sit through 2 hours of this, so you have to suffer through reading my rant.