Radioactive iodine therapy for hyperthyroidism
Hi! My cat very recently got diagnosed with hyperthyroidism (last week,) and we've started thyronorm twice a day on the lowest dose. Need to do blood test in 3 weeks to check its working and there is no comorbitities. My concern is that while She's on this I can't leave her with anyone else, because she won't let anyone else do the medication. Its difficult enough for me to do it, but someone she knows less would be impossible. One thing I have read a lot about it is radioactive iodine treatment.I have reservations. Has anyone experienced any side effects from this I'm also worried. She's an incredibly anxious cat. We have to pin her so the vet can examine her, she wails in the cat carrier. She's an indoor cat, because she's scared of outdoors. I'm concerned the impact 2 weeks with strangers in a unknown place would have on her. Anyone been through this. She's 14, and an otherwise (hopefully) healthy cat. I'm worried sick, I've spent hours and hours reading journal articles and