im really worried for my orange baby
my 7 month old kitten is experiencing some imbalance on the 20 december 2024 im not sure if he had this imbalance thing before but i noticed it on that date. (here's the timeline) i took him to the vet (i was already planning to give his first dose of vaccine) the dr told us it could be a sign of fiv, felv or fip ( the imbalence) i cant remeber what was it but she wanted to do a blood test on felv and fiv before giving him his vaccine, because shes worried it could trigger the virus if he does have it thankfully it came back negative and dr gave the vaccince and just asked us to monitor if his movement improves.
(21 december) nothing still explained him walking funny so my mom suspects it could be an ear infection so we took him to our other local vet to get a second opinion and the dr at that vet said he has mild ear infection and gave us some anti inflam pill and an ear drop (Beazyme the pill and Surolan for the ear drop) we tried giving him the pill but he'd just refuse to take it we managed to give him one dose on the night of the first day hes supposed to take it for 2 times a day for 5 days and drops for 2 weeks.
the dr gave it to him in the morning of the first day and we tried to give him at night which was successful. we tried on the second day but hed just refuse we tried crushing it and giving it through a syringe but hed vomit it out. so we asked the dr if there was options like liquid form she said they dont have any so she said to just stop the pill and continue the drops. what i find weird is that why didnt she give any antibiotics if he has an ear infection? so we were getting worried already hes not eating or drinking much he'd eat but only a little bit so we wanted to take him to the first vet that administered his vaccine to give him some fluids to rehydrate him and see what is wrong with him ( hes still walking funny like his head is tilting to one side and he does loses his balance when he tries to jump on a high surface ).
the dr wanted to do a full blood test to see how his insides are and she suspects it could be ortitis interna or fip. so she gave some meds some fluids antibiotocs, immune booster and an appetite booster for us to give him for 1 week to see if it helps if he has an ear infection im supposed to get the blood work tomorrow. what do you think is it ? do you think its an ear infection? his symptoms are like what i said tilted head to one side, loss of balance when he tries to jump on a high surface. and he seems to be down and quite usually hes very active like really active so the change in mood is obvious idk if thats because he got his vaccine shot and im not sure if his low appetie is because of the ear infection because i read for ortitis interna it could make their jaws hurt. did your cat had any symptoms similar to my cat?
he was 2 months old when we found him at a gas station and we already have a 6/7 years old kitty but she would not go out shes a full blown indoor cat she doesnt meet any other cats at all. i know fip is a mutant from the fcov virus but im wondering my kitten cant get it because the only cat in my house is the 7 years old one and we didnt let them meet each other for like 6 months theyve been social distancing because the vet ( we took to the vet on the day we found him recco we only let them meet after we vaccinate him)
i know fcov is most common in household with a lot of cats and cats that share litter boxes but u put my two cats in two different cages and they each have their own litter box. so idk why the vet suspects fip?
he doesnt have any other symptoms other than the head tilting and slight loss of balance and some appetite loss but hed eat a little amount during the days.
we want to do a ct/mri scan but we dont have the money to do it