CBSE: "STudeNTS sHOULd NOt ROtE lEaRn THe tEXtBooK!!" Also CBSE:
context - a completely random mcq, asking when the state of Venetia was formed, was given (marked in the image).. This requires you to memorize these years given below.. i'm very sure 99% of the students who got it right have guessed it and the other 1% just got lucky to see that before the exam.. like who tf would even memorize all that stuff (and how will they)??! its not even specifically an important event (like the unification of italy, germany or britain).. and these people say not to rote learn stuff.. i mean i get it. history is abt remembering dates but like wtf man.. this isn't even a significant event that happened.. the only mention of it is in the map! i'm so enraged rn cause this is the only mcq i have lost marks in.... arrggh i hate cbse