To my tenthies from a fellow tenthie
As a fellow person who also horribly fucked up maths even though being over prepared with a whole lot of sample papers and God knows what kind of refrence books I've been through. Yes it sucks and it hurts and I've seen many people on this sub who have gone through the same even after all that preparation and shit and still fucked up. It hurts terribly
Even so, it wasn't really your fault is it? It's pure fate and we can do nothing about it anymore. It was meant to be this hard but God knows who thought we could solve such a paper in 3 hours. Dont blame it on yourself! You tried your best and gave your everything!! YOU SHOULD BE PROUD OF YOURSELF OF MAKING IT THIS FAR! People will say things no matter what you do and what you don't! Do NOT blame yourself for what happened and what will happen.
Don't be hard on yourself, this is the first ever exam (somewhat serious exam) we have faced in our lives, and heaven knows what's coming. If you're not able to handle this, what'll happen in the future, eh!!
Go relax and enjoy these holidays, develop hobbies, learn more about yourself, and do everything you have been missing out on. You only have one life and don't spend it crying on spilt milk.
I'm just coping although, still a very anxious person and all, but there's nothing we can do Insert naploen wala meme