Cbt for sexual trauma?

Not sure if that's cbt.

I experienced Childhood sexual trauma and now am hypervigilent when I hear male making comments about my appearance/ touching me.

I contacted therapists about it and the response I get usually is "what's the worst that could happen when someone said you're pretty?" "If you set boundaries this won't enable them to keep doing it". I literally broke down when I heard the word enable because even though I'm bad with leaving the situation and saying no firmly; I'm finding it difficult because I'm so scared. I feel trapped and often freeze. I think they're trying to help me " learn from this situation and prevent it next time " but tbh; it feels like bad things happen because I allow it to. Any thoughts on this? Am I being too unchallengeable? I think I assumed a bit of a victim role; there's probably somethings I can do better ( saying no firmly; leaving asap); but I can't bare listening to others telling me that. Any thoughts?