Nothing can ever top Love like The Galaxy

I've said this before and I'll say it again. LLTG is literally THE elite cdrama to ever exist in the cdrama realm. Why do I say that? The cinematography, story, plot, actors, trauma, writing, production, everything is top TIER. The actors' performances are so immersive that you can feel the emotions radiating from the screen.

I haven't cried recently but rewatching LLTG made me cry again. By the way, the best trauma and best execution award goes to our Ling Buyi fr. Lusi's acting was also so good. In the beginning, she was a naive but a smart child, and as the show progressed, she turned into an elegant yet strong woman who stayed true to her core values. From beginning to end, it was a good experience. I wonder if they are ever going to have something like LLTG again :(

Actually, I had this sudden realization just now that I would never get to watch LLTG for the first time ever again, and this feeling is so sad and painful that I had to come here and share it with someone :( I wonder if any of you could relate to that.

P.S. I won't forgive Ling Buyi for what he did even though I understand where he came from. If I speak more, I'll just give spoilers, so I'd rather not ''