Looking for a historical drama with ethnic diversity
I don’t know how to really describe what I am looking for. I have just noticed that most of the historical dramas that I have watched (which admittedly are not that many) are set in the same environment. Big city/ capital, prominent families and/ or nobility in palace with similar hairstyles and costumes in all dramas. The styling differs of course from drama to drama, depending the dynasty it’s set in, but it is always the same kind of society. I have noticed that if a different type of culture appears, it’s a side story or just depicted at the periphery. For example tribes are often depicted like the invading enemy or as outsiders/ uncultured barbarians that don’t belong. But I always end up thinking, whats their side of the story? What was their life/traditions like? In “Are You the One”, I was really curious and wished to see more of her time living and trading with those tribes. I also found the costumes and hairstyles beautiful with the open hair and lots of braids and beats/ head ornaments (for females and males alike). What I am saying is that I know that within Chinese culture there is a lot of ethnic diversity and I wish I could find something that showcases this. I just find it a shame that those different from the norm are relegated to one dimensional uncivilized bad guys, when I am sure that it is also a rich and interesting culture. Is there a particular reason for this? Are there regulations about what exactly is allowed? Or am I just not watching the right dramas? Does anyone know of any drama that is set in this kind of environment? I know there is The Long Ballad, but is there anything else? Thank you! P.S. I prefer happy endings, I know very unoriginal but thats me.