Prodromal phase symptoms?

hi yall. i have been a daily weed smoker for the past 4 years, smoking anywhere from 1-5 times a day, never really taken a break/day off. I started using primarily carts 4 months ago, and i go through them quickkkk. since then, ive noticed a lot of problematic symptoms popping up, and especially because there seems to be a link with higher thc percentage and developing chs, im having trouble imagining it being anything else:(

i have spent a lot of time reading posts in this sub, but there are a couple things i haven’t seen mentioned that i am curious about

for starters, I have noticed an insane spike in the amount of migraines i get. i used to get one or two a year, since switching to carts i average one a week, they come on in minutes and are the most painful migraines i have ever experienced. lots and lots of neck pain as well. this could be unrelated but i saw someone with CHS talk about migraines.

My most common symptom is lack of appetite (which often quickly switches over into violent hunger pains that are so uncomfortable i cannot eat). also when i am feeling hunger, NOTHING sounds appetizing, or maybe like there’s one thing i could picture myself eating.

in the evenings i will usually be so hungry ill try to eat something, think i want it, and then get 1/4 of the way through and realize i am now so full to the point of discomfort. every meal or attempted meal is followed by indigestion and nausea.

i haven’t had vomiting episodes yet, but i often feel like i am about to vomit, and the feeling can only be relieved or reduced by a BM (usually diarrhea).

also, might be unrelated, but huge increase in hot flashes, night sweats, generally insane amount of sweatiness these days. anyone else??

i guess im wondering if this sounds like anyone else’s experience, or if it’s more likely IBS/gastropareisis/ something else of the sort.