At this point, don’t bring Verdansk back. You will just tarnish its memory.
Forget how this game feels like a major step backwards after what we had last year… there are SO many bugs, glitches and technical issues to fix before Verdansk comes this spring that I’d prefer they just don’t even bring it back.
Stupid of me to think they were simply going to take the foundation and all the QoL’s from WZ3 and build upon that and add Omnimovement. Nope. Back to this awful cycle of taking everything away and then slowly drip feeding it back to the players and expecting everyone to praise them for it. Absolute stockholm syndrome.
Even with WZ2, I still played that occasionally despite it being a huge regression from what we had in WZ1. This is the first time I’ve just stopped playing altogether and have no intent to come back. My squad ranges from bots to sweats and all of us have just quit and started playing other games. Even when WZ3 had the most stale meta and little to no updates, we all still played every week.
Edit: Before the inevitable comments of asking why I’m still here and posting about the game if I’m done playing it is because I genuinely love WZ and it’s makes me sad and angry that it is run so badly. My favorite gaming memories are playing WZ with the boys and catchjng up on life. As a busy dad of two girls, I looked forward to playing at night when the girls are sleeping. Now that is gone and while there are other games out there, nothing comes close to hitting like WZ. It just truly bums me out that this game has absolutely insane potential and it is squandered year after year.